Hawking doesn’t know when will be the end of the world, but foresee

When will be the end of the world?

When will be the end of the world? Nobody knows, not even Stephen Hawking who is predicting the end of the human species (Photo: Wikimedia Commons).

Can you imagine when will be the end of the world? Are you afraid? I confess that in the old days I was terrified to hear that the end of time was near.

It turns out that many years have passed and the end of the world has not yet come. Today, however, we are living in moments of great danger to humanity.

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Cientistas veem sinais de inversão dos polos norte e sul da Terra – e isso é péssimo!

Inversão dos polos magnéticos norte e sul

A magnetosfera é uma área grande ao redor da Terra produzida pelo campo magnético do planeta. Sua presença significa que as partículas carregadas do vento solar são incapazes de atravessar as linhas do campo magnético e são desviadas em torno da Terra.

Continuar a ler “Cientistas veem sinais de inversão dos polos norte e sul da Terra – e isso é péssimo!”

Germans admit to having sex with robots, reveals research

Sex with robots doll? Sex with robots man?

Yes, that’s right! Modern technology has already made this possible. Robots are the solution for those who no longer support back home and suffer violent attacks of jealousy and questioning.

You can laugh and ask: who is the mad that will want to have sex with a robot?

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