When will the world end? Not be in 2017 nor in 2021

When will the world end is far from 2017

Oops! I read another news report when will the world end and is near! Laughs. There are so many articles printed in journals and magazines on the world end! So, if you put one page after another, you can surround the earth several times with these fantasies.

In addition, the internet, social networks, blogs and the person-to-person comments. Everywhere we talk that the end of days is next. But when is this next?

Madness! They claim it’s so close that that answers the question when will the world end: September 23, 2017!.

You are tired of hearing such comments. But it’s no use get away from the this. A word “the end” will always appear. If the news does not come, a person will come reporting the coming misfortune. It’s inevitable.

There is much talk in prophecies for 2017. They think the end of the world will happen tomorrow. Holy ignorance! The Bible does not mark the date of the end of days.

The full world talking when will the world end

We can affirm the whole world is speaking from the end of our wonderful world. Where people live in harmony and religious leaders live as Jesus whom they say to imitate. Men evolved so much that ended the wars. Governments not steal even a penny of public money. They united for world peace. They have ended poverty and offer people joy and satisfaction. Therefore, a good world to live.

So, the date of when will the world end is liar. Only fools will believe in it. The world will continue after September 23.

So why do religious say so much that the end of the world will brief? Oops! Do not come to blame the religious. Who else is speaking at the end of time, it’s the scientists!

That’s right: end times prophecy  made by scientists!

>> Scientists say claimasteroids will crash into Earth and do away with the innocent human beings. They say the superbugs will exterminate us. Global warming can burn us.  Moreover, Stephen Hawking speaks that the extraterrestrial beings will find us and kill us.

>> Besides these, still exists those who say that Artificial Intelligence will make robots smarter than humans. Instead of serving us, robots will annihilate us. Visionaries as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg think so.

David Meade says  when will the world end

When will the world end - Jackson Message 1


The end comes but fear does not appear. Is courage or inactivity? (Jackson Rubem).

The British numerologist David Meade who calls himself “a specialist in research and investigation” frightened many people in the world. The reason is your end of days prophecy. He uses the Bible, but is not biblical. According to him, the end of the world near. So close now on 23 September. And the worst is that many believe in this nonsense!

Meade suppose we are in the last days. The world as we know it will end on September 23 with the clash of the secret planet Nibiru with Earth. This will cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other misfortunes.  And falsely say Bible confirms his calculations. He is using the world’s biggest bestseller as a stepping stone.

For this numerologist exists a “convergence of the number 33”. A series of coincidences found. Meade told The Daily Star newspaper that “the great American eclipse of August 21, 2017 was a forerunner.”

He uses eclipse as justification. September 23, 2017 is the 33rd day after the total solar eclipse. For him, “an incredible prophecy and a scary sign”. He then quotes chapter 12 of Revelation in which “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head shall give light.”

To fulfill this prophecy for 2017, the Moon will appear under the constellation of Virgo, who would represent the virgin woman of the Apocalypse. On it will be the twelve stars: the nine of the constellation of Leo plus the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars. Venus would then seem to give light to Jupiter, the sign of the end of time, says the numerologist.

Then he predicts that by the end of October the “seven years” period of great tribulation will begin.

September 23 will pass without the end of the world

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Only today I sought the reality of tomorrow. Do you think it will be eternal as one day following another? No. It will be as fast as yesterday’s day and as long as tomorrow. (Jackson Rubem).

When is the end of the world? There will be  end of days on 23 September. Oops! I correct myself. There may even be the end of the world on this date, not for the world, but for some people.

Some people will die murdered, suffer accidents or die from illness. So, for them, the world will end. But for the whole world, no!

Nibiru, Nibiru 2017, Planet X Nibiru or Planet Nibiru NASA as called, is coming toward Earth. Will collide with our planet and cause the end of the world. This is one prophecy for 2017 that scares people.

This news is false. NASA scientist David Morrison has unmasked the British numerologist. According to the scientist, no Nibiru planet is on its way to Earth. Then, to say fantasiesthe end of the world is near is acceptable, but to say it will be on September 23, It’s a joke!  Nibiru is coming is fake news!

Do you think David Meade believes that the end of the world is near, as close as September? I think not. Look what he wrote on his website, according to the Washington Post newspaper:

“We have been taught that the book of Revelation is true, the Popes believe it to be true, and Protestants say true and that they teach in Sunday school. This is not new information. In fact, the Bible is 101. Even Hollywood knows what’s coming. They produced a dozen films about the end of the world as in 2012. This is not recent news. For those who think my question is, How long have you been living on this planet?”

How will the end of the world be?

When will the world end


Come end. Come with your soft and attractive smell of illusion for a life that seems to succumb to fantasy (Jackson Rubem).

Increase the amount of those who preach misfortune. Thousands are doing study of the Apocalypse in the Bible that announces the end soon. But very difficult to interpret the metaphors of the most famous book in the Bible. One day for God is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. So, the end of days may be soon or it may take many years.

If you want to fear the end of the world, all right, but do not convince me. I am not afraid! Not believe it will be in these three and a half years.

I confess was afraid of the end of the world only in childhood. But I’m not a child. Only in my childhood did the “end of the world” frighten me.

Nowadays I am not shaken by the statements of the scientists end times prophecy, nor the prophets of doom, concerning the last days.

That does not mean I do not believe the world will end. But not because of a planetary catastrophe. End has a sense of transformation.

There will be a change with the coming of Jesus. There will be a new world where justice and peace will dwell.

And this new world will be here on the planet Earth. Here they will live those who deserve of salvation, regardless of religion.

So, when will the world end? The real sign that the world will end soon will be a major world peace conference in Rome. All the governments of the world will go there, deceived by the pope of the time. Probably I will not be alive to witness this, but you can be. Be aware when this happens.