Hawking doesn’t know when will be the end of the world, but foresee

When will be the end of the world?

When will be the end of the world
When will be the end of the world? Nobody knows, not even Stephen Hawking who is predicting the end of the human species (Photo: Wikimedia Commons).

Can you imagine when will be the end of the world? Are you afraid? I confess that in the old days I was terrified to hear that the end of time was near.

It turns out that many years have passed and the end of the world has not yet come. Today, however, we are living in moments of great danger to humanity.

I am not imagining these things. Renowned scientists such as Stephen Hawking are predicting apocalyptic scenarios for the near future.

Despite this, I confess that I do not care about the end of world anymore. It is that I see the catastrophic predictions in this world as hope for a better future. I believe that the sky will be on planet Earth, though not sure that I will live in this sky.

I do not know when it will be the end of the world; I know only that it is closer than ever. With each passing day comes closer, just as each anniversary, we are closer to death. You may even disagree with this statement, although it is a fact.

Famous scientists predict the apocalypse soon

Before, only evangelicals spoke about the end of the world. Now famous scientists predict the apocalypse soon. Stephen Hawking said, “This is the most dangerous time for our planet.” Moreover, many scientists literally say words like Apocalypse, Armageddon, extinction of humanity and other similar terms for the world end.

Cambridge University physics professor Stephen Hawking constantly warns of global dangers. He mentions internal and external threats that may lead to the extinction of humankind, though it does not determine when the end of the world will be.

In an article published in the British newspaper The Guardian, Hawking warned that we already have enough technology to destroy the planet Earth. In addition, there are other facts that can result in the end of humanity: overpopulation of planet Earth, climate change and disease.

You can then ask, “What will happen before disappear humankind from the planet earth”?

According to the famous scientist, technology will cause widespread unemployment, as robots will replace many jobs.

Hawking’s opinion of Brexit and other facts

Even the rejection of the British electorate in the European Union and the victory of Donald Trump in the United States, Hawking analyzes as dangerous. According to him, the defeats were a cry of people’s anger because their leaders abandoned them, but they can have global consequences.

Hawking cites as a consequence the further acceleration of technology that can now wipe out humanity, factory automation, decimated millions of jobs, and even more rapid progress in the development of artificial intelligence. For him, all these things signal the dangerous moment for humanity.

It is worth noting that in addition, many researchers say that the sixth mass extinction on Earth has already begun.

Despite warnings of the end of the world due to technological developments, he praises technology because:

“the ability to use technology to communicate is a positive and liberating experience for me. Without the technology, I would not have been able to continue working for all these years. ”

Professor Stephen Hawking said that the primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have proved very useful.

However, he fears the consequences of creating something that can equal or surpass humans.

Technology that is beneficial to humankind could mean the end of the world or the end of the human race.

He told the BBC:”The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”

End of the World - Robots
Artificial intelligence, robots, climate change, overpopulation represents a dangerous moment for humanity. They are also signs of the last days, but no one knows when will be the end of the world.

The scientist asks for the union of humanity

Hawking wrote in his article published in The Guardian:

“For me, the really concerning aspect of this is that now, more than at any time in our history, our species needs to work together.

“We face awesome environmental challenges: climate change, food production, overpopulation, the decimation of other species, epidemic disease, acidification of the oceans.Together, they are a reminder that we are at the most dangerous moment in the development of humanity.

“We now have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, but have not yet developed the ability to escape it.

“Perhaps in a few hundred years, we will have established human colonies amid the stars, but right now we only have one planet, and we need to work together to protect it”.

It’s okay that he said that, but the end of the world is not as close as 2019.

However, it’s not as far as 2135 when NASA cannot prevent asteroid Benu from destroying Earth.

The current events, my dear scientist, will result in the union of humankind. This will happen in some time not too far away. The initiative will not be the governments of the world, nor the scientists. The union of humanity will be an initiative of the Pope. It is not possible to know which Pope, but rather that it will have powers of a god. He will deceive the governments of the world with signs and prodigies. He will lead them to Rome on behalf of World Peace. However, something very terrible will happen to Rome, during the world conference of Peace and with all humanity,75 days later.

The Bible speaks of this in symbolic language.


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