Nice quotes on heart with original drawings and text

Nice quotes on heart


Human face, but heart of being irrational.

Nice quotes on heart resonate in my mind for a long time. It is as if my heart wants to chew them to extract their essence.

Heart chew?

Maybe you have thought of this question.

But I do not mean the heart that pumps our blood all over the body.

And yes, to that immaterial part of our being where we find the feelings, desires and emotions.

Why heart is the symbol of love

There are no historical records with the exact date of birth of this symbology.

But it is true that he was born with Jewish culture 3,000 years ago.


Christians believe that the heart is the place that holds the being.

Because of this, the heart enables the rapprochement between God and those who seek him.

In addition, there is a direct relationship between love and spirituality.

Hence the heart becomes a symbol of this feeling, many nice quotes on heart were written over time.

In a few strong and striking phrases, the historian Edgar Leite, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, explained to Superinteressante newspaper:

“The ancient Hebrews already associated feelings to the heart, perhaps by the tightness in the chest that we really feel when we take a fright, we suffer some anguish or we go through a moment of euphoria.”


In the stillness of night that is never silent, a heart echoes, two alarms resonate, two lives come together forever, but they are not always together.

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Heart what about love

Do you believe that passion is blind, deaf and dumb?

I do not believe it, but there are controversies.

Some scholars say that nothing happens by accident. That means no one falls in love unintentionally.

So, there are reasons for that to happen. Be conscious reasons, be unconscious reasons.

It is likely that your heart fell in love with someone who has never loved you, due to disregard of some factors.

For example, the approval of family and friends helps to develop reciprocal passion.

Who values the family, considers others’ opinions in the choice of the person who will love.

Also, being close is an important factor as it facilitates creation of a link.

In addition, there is the mystery factor. Many people are attracted to the unknown.

And that can have negative consequences if they fall in love. It may also not bring any result.

Only that?

Of course not!

There are those who fall in love with the way the other speaks, the posture and the way they walk.

Also looks can be a passion factor. But if one looks at beauty as the most important factor, it may suffer some negative consequence.

After all, nobody stays the same forever.

Consider these facts and try to do everything in order not to indulge in unbridled passion.

If you believe in God, ask him to enlighten your eyes and your heart.

Never give your heart and soul to anyone. Even if you fall in love, think it may not be forever.

This will make you feel strong when the passion is over or when it becomes love. This yes, lasts years.

Heart versus mind Bible

The Bible says that God has “a heart.” I do not know if this is symbolic or not.

Of course, the Bible says that David was a man “after the heart of God”:

Whether in the symbolic sense or not, the Bible quotes God as having “a heart.”

For example, David was a man “after the heart of God” (Acts 13:22).

In the past, God chose leaders who acted according to his heart:

Quotation marks

And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed forever. (1 Samuel 2:35).

The heart of God is pure, but the heart of man tends to be perverse and deceitful:

Jeremiah 17: 9,10:

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

According to the Bible, God knows the secrets of the hearts of men (Psalm 44:21).

Bible has dozens nice quotes on heart and about love.

After all, what is heart in the biblical symbology?

You may disagree with the answer, but I think heart equals mind, the thirst of our thoughts.

Mark 7:21-23:

21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

23 All these evil things come from within and defile the man.

Knowing this, think of watching your heart and watching the thoughts who pass by without judging them.

I say without judging them, because the more you insist on eliminating the bad thoughts, but they will come back with force.

The key is to observe them naturally even if they are terrifying. Over time, it will weaken until they disappear.

It will happen what the Bible says:

Proverbs 4: 23-27:

23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

25 Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.

The verses used above are from the King James Version, whose importance you can see in this text by Cambridge University.

You can check other biblical texts about heart on Bible Gate Way King James Version.

A curiosity:

Even atheists and agnostics pray and admit: what motivates them?

Today, only today, I rent my heart, for only two wishes: peace and harmony.

Who invented the artificial heart?

The first artificial heart was made by the Soviet scientist Vladimir Demikhov in 1937. It was transplanted to a dog.

On July 2, 1952, a 41-year-old Henry Opitek, suffering from shortness of breath, made medical history at Harper University Hospital at Wayne State University in Michigan.

The Dodrill-GMR heart machine, considered being the first operational mechanical heart, was successfully used while performing heart surgery.

Forest Dewey Dodrill, working closely with Matthew Dudley, used the machine in 1952 to bypass Henry Opitek’s left ventricle for 50 minutes while he opened the patient’s left atrium and worked to repair the mitral valve.

In Dodrill’s post-operative report, he notes, “To our knowledge, this is the first instance of survival of a patient when a mechanical heart mechanism was used to take over the complete body function of maintaining the blood supply of the body while the heart was open and operated on.”

A heart–lung machine was first used in 1953 during a successful open-heart surgery. John Heysham Gibbon, the inventor of the machine, performed operation and developed the heart–lung substitute himself.

Following these advances, scientific interest for development of a solution for heart disease developed in numerous research groups worldwide.

In 1949, a precursor to the modern artificial heart pump was built by doctors William Sewell and William Glenn of the Yale School of Medicine using an Erector Set, assorted odds and ends, and dime-store toys. The external pump successfully bypassed the heart of a dog for more than an hour.

Paul Winchell invented an artificial heart with assistance of Henry Heimlich (the inventor of the Heimlich Maneuver) and held the first patent for such a device.

The University of Utah developed a similar apparatus

The University of Utah developed a similar apparatus around the same time, but when they tried to patent it, Winchell’s heart was cited as prior art.

The university requested that Winchell donate the heart to the University of Utah, which he did. There is some debate as to how much of Winchell’s design Robert Jarvik used in creating Jarvik’s artificial heart.

Heimlich states, “I saw the heart, I saw the patent, and I saw the letters. The basic principle used in Winchell’s heart and Jarvik’s heart is exactly the same.” Jarvik denies that any of Winchell’s design elements were incorporated into the device he fabricated for humans which was successfully implanted into Barney Clark in 1982.

On December 12, 1957, Willem Johan Kolff, the world’s most prolific inventor of artificial organs, implanted an artificial heart into a dog at Cleveland Clinic.

The dog lived for 90 minutes.

Read more about artificial heart at Wikipedia


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