Is NASA hiding evidence extraterrestrial fossils on Mars? TOP scientist says yes

Evidence extraterrestrial fossils on Mars

Extraterrestrial fossils on Mars
BREAKTHROUGH: NASA hides evidence of life on Mars. The Curiosity robot traced fossils on the red planet. This photo would be from a fossil, according to Barry DiGregorio, a scientist at Buckingham University. (Photo: NASA).

If I said NASA hides evidence of extraterrestrial fossils on Mars, would you believe it?

Probably not.

What if a TOP scientist claims this?

You would probably agree with him.

Even if you disagreed, you would certainly have a touch of doubt.

So, scientist Barry DiGregorio of Buckingham University said NASA hides evidence of extraterrestrial fossils. His statements are in newspapers like Daily Express and Daily Star.

And he understands the subject because he is a specialist in microscopic studies of life found on planet Earth. Therefore, his statement that the Curiosity robot was tracking fossils on Mars deserves credit.

He defined the fossil as being of a soft-bodied creature that moved on the red planet in the distant past.


Why NASA hides the discovery of fossil aliens?

Barry promised disclose a bomb report, proving his claims.

He said he knows why NASA covered this fact.

But NASA disagrees with the controversial scientist.

The Space Agency has another opinion.

According to NASA, the scientist is confusing rock crystals with evidence of extraterrestrial life.

But the truth is that NASA may actually be hiding something.

Soft-bodied creatures that roamed Mars

The images that Curiosity sent from Mars show patterns similar to the Ordovician fossils found on Earth.

Dr. DiGregório said he has photographed many of them here.

According to the Daily Express, he said:

“They look remarkably similar to the Ordovician fossils I studied and photographed here on Earth.

“If they do not trace fossils, what other geological explanations will NASA present?” Asks the scientist.

The controversial statements

Dr. DiGregorio accuses the American Space Agency of hiding the information because of his plans to send humans to Mars in the 2030s.

So why publicize now, what could be publicized in the 2030s, causing a global upheaval?

In newspaper Daily Star Online, he stated:

“Put it this way, these images, these figures, have not been seen on Mars to date.

“One of the things that grabbed me immediately was the expediency that NASA left the area of such a mission.

“So when I started looking, it wasn’t just the objects that were attached the outside, what they are calling sticks.

“If you look at the images more closely, the sticks merge into the host rock, this actually has features in it that are reminiscent of trace fossils.

Evidence of extraterrestrial fossils on Mars

“NASA has turned its back on trying to get the data on this.

“The order came down from NASA HQ that they should move the rover on to the next point.

“They didn’t feel it was important enough to look at, I thought that was very odd, despite the fact a gale crater was host to probably a series of lakes for billions and billions of years.

“Crystals don’t add up. Crystals don’t branch or twist. We’re talking about something that might have been equivalent to the Ordovician period on Earth.”

The scientist wants to shake NASA with his report

The scientist said he will demolish NASA with his report. For this he will argue about the results that show signs of extraterrestrial life.

Dr. DiGregorio claims Mars hosted alien life about a billion years ago in a giant lake.


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