Categoria: English-US

Some of the articles translated into English, to facilitate access to speakers of this language

  • Germans admit to having sex with robots, reveals research

    Sex with robots doll? Sex with robots man?

    sex with robots

    Yes, that’s right! Modern technology has already made this possible. Robots are the solution for those who no longer support back home and suffer violent attacks of jealousy and questioning.

    You can laugh and ask: who is the mad that will want to have sex with a robot?


  • Even atheists and agnostics pray and admit: what motivates them?

    Atheists and agnostics pray

    atheists and agnostics

    Atheists and agnostics pray, but only in certain circumstances, according to a survey.

    This is weird! Do you agree? If someone does not accept in God why turn to Him through prayer?


  • A masterpiece of biblical proportions: King James Bible

    By University Cambridge

    King James Bible

    A five month long exhibition – Great and Manifold Blessings: The Making of the King James Bible – will feature a world-class display of biblical treasures when it opens to the public, for free, on January 18, 2011.

    Gathering together much of the source material that the original Cambridge translators used to begin their masterwork in the early seventeenth century, the exhibition includes William Tyndale’s first pocket-sized smuggled editions of his own translations, Henry VIII’s enormous Great Bible, a first edition of the Geneva or ‘Breeches’ Bible and also a very rare copy of the notorious ‘Wicked Bible’ of 1631 – featuring the misprint ‘Thou shalt commit adultery’.
