NASA cannot prevent the end of the world in 2135 by Benu

End of the world in 2135

Scientists have discovered that it may be impossible to prevent the space rock from reaching Earth. It is larger than the Empire State Building and will hit our planet in the next century.

Would you be afraid if you knew that the end of the world in 2135 is a reality?

You may not have, I do not, but many people have.

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Is NASA hiding evidence extraterrestrial fossils on Mars? TOP scientist says yes

Evidence extraterrestrial fossils on Mars

BREAKTHROUGH: NASA hides evidence of life on Mars. The Curiosity robot traced fossils on the red planet. This photo would be from a fossil, according to Barry DiGregorio, a scientist at Buckingham University. (Photo: NASA).

If I said NASA hides evidence of extraterrestrial fossils on Mars, would you believe it?

Probably not.

What if a TOP scientist claims this?

You would probably agree with him.

Even if you disagreed, you would certainly have a touch of doubt.

Continuar a ler “Is NASA hiding evidence extraterrestrial fossils on Mars? TOP scientist says yes”

Bad breath treatment: scientist discover how to do this with wine

How to treat bad breath of mouth

Photo Pixabay/Stevepb

Thousands of people around the world want to know how to treat bad breath of mouth.

Dentists come up with some solutions.

Dentifrice manufacturers also have their alternatives.

But the scientists present a much more interesting solution, based on wine.

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