Even atheists and agnostics pray and admit: what motivates them?

Atheists and agnostics pray

atheists and agnostics

Atheists and agnostics pray, but only in certain circumstances, according to a survey.

This is weird! Do you agree? If someone does not accept in God why turn to Him through prayer?

All right. You can say you’re a skeptic, so do not pray. It turns out that many atheists and agnostics pray and admit.

I know some atheists who mention the word God in conversations, more than others who believe in God.

You may wonder: what atheistic and agnostic circumstances seek God through prayer?

The Guardian answers the question according to the survey. A personal crisis or tragedy is the most common reason for atheists and agnostics to seek the God they usually deny.

One in four atheists admitted that they pray to God to feel more comforted or less lonely.

Frequency falling in churches

Church attendance in Britain fell from 6.5 million to just over 3 million between 1980 and 2015. This information comes from a study by ComRes on behalf of the Christian relief agency Tearfund.

The survey also shows that more than half of Britons in adulthood pray regularly. However, only one in three pray in a place of worship.

A third of people pray in the morning or before going to bed.

One in five pray while doing household chores. Fifteen percent pray while they travel.

Reasons for Prayers and Belief in Effectiveness

Despite so many people praying, less than half believe that God hears.

People pray for different reasons. The family is at the top of the prayer list. More than 70 percent of those who pray mention the family.

42% of the speakers thanked God. 40 percent asked for cure of diseases. 40 percent mentioned friends in prayers.

Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester, told The Guardian:

“We should not be surprised by these recent findings, which reflect human longing for the mystery and love of God amid experiences of daily life.”

Isabelle Hamley, chaplain to the archbishop of Canterbury, defined prayer as “primarily a line of communication with God–thinking, reflecting, bringing one’s concerns and worries into a bigger picture. Prayer can involve requests, but it’s unhelpful to see God as a heavenly Santa.

“Many people are driven to pray at some point in their lives, even if they are not religious. Praying spontaneously is about reaching out.” God hears everyone’s prayers, she added.

The survey showed that prayer was an important part of the lives of many people in the UK, said Ruth Valerio of Tearfund. “While it is often easier to pray for issues closer to home, we want to encourage people to continue to engage with global issues and pray for an end to extreme poverty.”

I believe that love is the main reason that leads an atheist and agnostic to pray.

Love for the loved one makes the atheist and agnostic pray when the situation is desperate and human intervention does not work. [Related: 70 Wonderful Quotes About Love in the Bible on Old Testament. More in: 7 Exclusive Short Meaningful Quotes About Life and Love, illustrated with drawings.]

In addition, we live under constant threat of extinction of humanity. Even renowned scientists speak of the end of the world. Because of this, many unbelievers weaken in these circumstances and seek God.

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